Esan Okpa



We the Sons and Daughters of Esan; RECOGNISING that our overall relevance, effectiveness and wellbeing within the political, economic and social space of Nigeria is a direct function of our UNITY; FULLY AWARE that Esan Land could continue to suffer from political and economic neglect if we are unable to speak with one authoritative voice and respond in concert on these problems confronting our land;

CONVINCED that we have the requisite human and material resources to significantly alter the negative trends that have continually relegated our people vis-a-vis the other ethnic nationalities within the Nigerian political system; HAVE therefore RESOLVED to come together under a single non-partisan Pan-Esan Organization; and IN furtherance of these noble objectives DO HEREBY solicit for your support

We kindly solicit the support of all well-meaning Esan sons and daughters worldwide, by donating generously to our PROGRAMS.
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